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Applied Materials Faces Heightened Scrutiny Over China Shipments Amid U.S. Subpoenas



The U.S. Semiconductor Giant Under Investigation for Shipments to China

Applied Materials, Inc. (AMAT.O), the largest U.S. semiconductor equipment manufacturer, disclosed on Thursday that it received another subpoena from the U.S. Department of Commerce in May. This latest subpoena requests detailed information on shipments to Chinese customers. It adds to previous subpoenas from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Massachusetts.

The initial subpoena from the Commerce Department was sent in November 2023 and sought information regarding specific shipments to Chinese clients. This latest action underscores the heightened regulatory focus as the U.S. intensifies efforts to control the flow of advanced technology to China amid escalating geopolitical tensions.

The additional subpoenas from the SEC and the U.S. Attorney’s Office highlight the seriousness of the investigation. These probes indicate a thorough examination of Applied Materials’ compliance with U.S. export controls and potential violations related to national security interests.

The scrutiny of Applied Materials comes in the context of an ongoing tech cold war between the U.S. and China. The U.S. government has imposed stringent export controls on semiconductor technology to China, aiming to limit its technological advancements, particularly in sectors deemed critical to both economic and military capabilities.

As a leading supplier of semiconductor manufacturing equipment, Applied Materials is central to this conflict. The investigation reflects broader concerns about the potential transfer of sensitive technology that could enhance China’s semiconductor industry and narrow the technological gap with the U.S.

Applied Materials, Inc. has not yet provided detailed comments on the subpoenas but has stated that it is cooperating with the regulatory authorities.

These developments could have significant implications for Applied Materials and the broader semiconductor industry, as companies face increased scrutiny and must navigate a complex regulatory environment amidst heightened geopolitical tensions.


Zimbabwe Approves Licensing of Musk’s Starlink Internet Service



Harare, May 27 (WARYATV) – In a significant boost to Zimbabwe’s digital infrastructure, the country’s telecom regulator has approved the licensing of Elon Musk’s Starlink, the satellite internet service of SpaceX. President Emmerson Mnangagwa announced the decision on Saturday, emphasizing the potential benefits for high-speed, low-cost internet access across the nation.

The approval is seen as a major step towards enhancing internet connectivity, particularly in rural areas where traditional internet services are often unreliable or unavailable. “The decision is expected to result in the deployment of high-speed, low-cost, LEO (low-Earth-orbit) internet infrastructure throughout Zimbabwe and particularly in all the rural areas,” Mnangagwa said in a statement.

Transforming Connectivity in Rural Areas

Starlink, known for its network of satellites orbiting close to Earth, offers faster and more reliable internet services compared to conventional satellite internet providers. This technology can bridge the digital divide in Zimbabwe, where rural regions have long struggled with limited access to the internet.

For Zimbabwe, the introduction of Starlink is expected to transform education, healthcare, and economic opportunities by providing consistent and affordable internet access. Rural schools and clinics, which often suffer from inadequate connectivity, stand to benefit significantly from this technological advancement.

Boosting Economic Development

Improved internet infrastructure is also poised to stimulate economic growth in Zimbabwe. Enhanced connectivity can attract foreign investments, support local businesses, and facilitate e-commerce, thereby contributing to the overall development of the country.

Mnangagwa highlighted that the deployment of Starlink aligns with Zimbabwe’s broader goals of modernization and digital inclusion. The government’s move to embrace advanced technology underscores its commitment to integrating the country into the global digital economy.

Global Impact of Starlink

Starlink has been making headlines worldwide for its ambitious goal of providing global internet coverage through its constellation of satellites. With services already operational in several countries, Starlink aims to deliver internet to underserved areas, making a substantial impact on global connectivity.

Elon Musk’s vision for Starlink includes not just expanding internet access but also enhancing its quality and affordability. For developing countries like Zimbabwe, this represents an opportunity to leapfrog traditional infrastructure challenges and adopt cutting-edge technology for rapid development.

Future Prospects

The approval of Starlink in Zimbabwe sets a precedent for other African nations to explore similar partnerships. As more countries in the region consider adopting advanced satellite internet services, the overall connectivity and digital integration of the continent could see significant improvements.

Moreover, the collaboration between Zimbabwe and SpaceX could pave the way for further technological and economic cooperation, enhancing Zimbabwe’s position in the global tech landscape.


Zimbabwe’s decision to license Elon Musk’s Starlink service marks a pivotal moment in the country’s technological advancement. With the promise of high-speed, low-cost internet, especially in rural areas, Starlink is set to revolutionize connectivity in Zimbabwe. This move not only supports the country’s development goals but also showcases the potential of innovative technologies to transform lives and economies in the developing world.

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Fake US election-related accounts proliferating on X, study says



Cyabra’s AI Analysis Identifies Significant Number of Inauthentic Accounts Influencing Political Discourse

NEW YORK ( – A recent study by Israeli tech company Cyabra has uncovered a significant proliferation of fake accounts on the social media platform X, formerly known as Twitter, posting about the upcoming U.S. presidential election. The report, shared exclusively with Reuters ahead of its release, highlights the widespread use of inauthentic accounts in political discourse, particularly those praising former President Donald Trump and criticizing President Joe Biden.

Cyabra’s analysts, using machine learning techniques, identified that 15% of accounts posting positive content about Donald Trump and negative content about Joe Biden are fake. Conversely, 7% of accounts posting favorable content about Biden and critical content about Trump are also fake.

The company utilized advanced machine learning algorithms to sift through large datasets of social media activity, identifying patterns and behaviors indicative of fake accounts. These methods allow for a more accurate detection of inauthentic behavior than traditional analysis techniques.

Implications for Election Integrity:

The discovery of a substantial number of fake accounts raises concerns about the integrity of online political discourse and the potential for misinformation to influence public opinion and voter behavior. These findings underscore the challenges social media platforms face in combating fake accounts and the spread of disinformation.

Platform Response:

X, like other social media platforms, has been under increasing pressure to address the issue of fake accounts and disinformation, especially in the context of elections. The platform has implemented various measures to detect and remove inauthentic accounts, but the persistence of such accounts highlights the need for ongoing efforts and improved technological solutions.

Expert Commentary:

Gilad Lotan, Vice President of Data Science at Cyabra, commented on the findings, emphasizing the importance of transparency and vigilance in the digital space. “The presence of these fake accounts not only distorts the political conversation but also erodes trust in social media platforms as sources of information. Continuous monitoring and advanced AI tools are essential in the fight against digital disinformation.”

Future Outlook:

As the U.S. presidential election approaches, the role of social media in shaping political narratives will be under intense scrutiny. Studies like Cyabra’s are crucial in understanding the landscape of digital influence and ensuring that measures are in place to protect the integrity of online political engagement.

The report’s findings serve as a stark reminder of the ongoing battle against disinformation and the need for robust systems to detect and mitigate the impact of fake accounts on public discourse.

This comprehensive analysis reveals the significant presence of fake accounts on X related to the U.S. presidential election, underscoring the importance of continuous efforts to safeguard the integrity of political discussions online.

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Editor's Pick

Biden sharply hikes US tariffs on billions in Chinese chips, cars



Biden Administration Escalates Tariffs on Chinese Chips and Cars


Explore the latest move by the Biden administration to sharply increase tariffs on Chinese chips and cars, analyzing its impact on trade relations and global supply chains.

In a significant escalation of trade tensions between the United States and China, the Biden administration has announced a sharp increase in tariffs on billions of dollars’ worth of Chinese chips and cars. The move marks a departure from the previous administration’s approach and signals a tougher stance on trade with China.

The decision to hike tariffs comes amid growing concerns about China’s trade practices and alleged unfair competition in key industries such as semiconductor manufacturing and automotive production.

The Biden administration has cited the need to protect American industries and jobs as a primary motivation for the tariff increase.

Under the new measures, tariffs on certain Chinese-made semiconductor chips will nearly double, while tariffs on imported Chinese cars and auto parts will also see a significant increase. The move is expected to impact a wide range of industries and could disrupt global supply chains that rely on Chinese-manufactured components.

The decision to sharply hike tariffs reflects the Biden administration’s broader strategy of prioritizing American interests in trade negotiations with China. President Biden has repeatedly emphasized the need to address China’s trade practices, including intellectual property theft, forced technology transfer, and unfair subsidies to domestic industries.

However, the move has drawn criticism from some quarters, with opponents warning that higher tariffs could ultimately harm American consumers and businesses. Critics argue that tariffs function as a tax on imported goods, leading to higher prices for consumers and potentially sparking retaliation from China.

Moreover, the escalation of tariffs could further strain relations between the world’s two largest economies and complicate efforts to address other pressing issues such as climate change, cybersecurity, and regional security. The Biden administration has sought to engage with China on areas of mutual interest while pushing back against perceived economic threats.

The decision to sharply increase tariffs on Chinese chips and cars underscores the challenges facing the Biden administration in managing its relationship with China. Trade tensions between the two countries have persisted for years, with both sides imposing tariffs on billions of dollars’ worth of goods.

As the Biden administration seeks to navigate these challenges, it faces pressure to balance competing interests and priorities. The move to hike tariffs on Chinese chips and cars reflects a broader strategy of promoting American competitiveness and protecting critical industries, but it also carries risks of economic disruption and further deterioration in bilateral relations.

As the situation continues to evolve, the impact of the tariff increase on global trade and supply chains remains uncertain. The Biden administration will need to carefully monitor developments and assess the effectiveness of its trade policies in achieving its broader economic and strategic objectives.

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Australian study says China uses global apps, games for propaganda



China’s Digital Propaganda: Unveiling the Global Influence Game

By Kasim Abdulkadir:

China’s use of global apps and games for propaganda has come under scrutiny in a recent Australian study, shedding light on the sophisticated tactics employed by Beijing to shape narratives beyond its borders. This article delves into the findings of the study, exploring the methods, platforms, and implications of China’s digital propaganda efforts on the international stage.

In an increasingly interconnected world, digital platforms have emerged as powerful tools for shaping public opinion and disseminating information. China, recognizing the potential of these channels, has invested heavily in leveraging global apps and games to advance its strategic objectives. From social media platforms to gaming communities, Beijing has deployed a range of tactics to influence perceptions and promote its narratives on issues ranging from geopolitics to domestic affairs.

The recent Australian study has drawn attention to China’s use of global apps and games as vehicles for propaganda. Researchers identified various techniques employed by Beijing, including the dissemination of state-sanctioned content, censorship of dissenting voices, and the manipulation of algorithms to prioritize pro-China narratives. By infiltrating popular platforms and engaging with international audiences, China seeks to bolster its soft power and shape perceptions in its favor.

The findings of the study have raised concerns about the integrity of digital discourse on a global scale. As China expands its influence through digital means, there are growing fears of censorship, misinformation, and the suppression of dissenting voices. Moreover, the prevalence of Chinese propaganda on widely used platforms raises questions about the autonomy of these digital spaces and their susceptibility to external manipulation.

China’s digital propaganda efforts pose significant challenges to democratic values such as freedom of speech and the transparency of information. By controlling the narrative and suppressing dissent, Beijing undermines the principles of open dialogue and critical inquiry that underpin democratic societies. Moreover, the proliferation of state-sponsored content blurs the line between authentic discourse and orchestrated propaganda, eroding trust in digital media.

In light of these developments, there is an urgent need for greater vigilance and accountability in the digital sphere. Policymakers, tech companies, and civil society must work together to safeguard the integrity of online discourse and protect democratic values from manipulation and distortion. Transparency, algorithmic accountability, and media literacy are essential tools in countering the spread of digital propaganda and ensuring that the public has access to accurate and diverse information.

In conclusion, China’s use of global apps and games for propaganda represents a significant challenge to the integrity of digital discourse and democratic values worldwide. The findings of the Australian study underscore the need for heightened awareness and proactive measures to address the growing influence of state-sponsored content in the digital age. By fostering transparency, accountability, and media literacy, societies can mitigate the impact of digital propaganda and uphold the principles of free and open exchange of information.

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Norway’s Supreme Court Grapples with Social Media as a Human Right



In a landmark case that could redefine the boundaries of digital rights, Norway’s Supreme Court finds itself at the epicenter of a crucial debate: Is social media access a fundamental human right?

The case, which has captivated global attention, revolves around the suspension of a child welfare organization’s Facebook page. The organization contends that the suspension impinged upon its freedom of expression and access to information, constituting a violation of human rights.

At its core, the case raises profound questions about the intersection of digital platforms and fundamental liberties. In an era where social media has become integral to public discourse and civic engagement, can its denial be equated with a deprivation of basic rights?

As Norway’s highest judicial authority prepares to render its verdict, the implications are far-reaching. A ruling affirming social media access as a human right could set a precedent with implications for digital governance worldwide. Conversely, a contrary decision may signal a reevaluation of the scope of digital rights in the modern age.

In an era where the digital landscape shapes societal norms and values, the outcome of this case could chart the course for the future of online freedoms and responsibilities.

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Editor's Pick

Revealed: Google’s $20 Billion Deal with Apple Exposed in Antitrust Case



In a stunning revelation, court documents have unveiled the extent of Google’s payments to Apple, reaching a staggering $20 billion in 2022 alone. These payments, shrouded in secrecy until now, form a crucial aspect of the Justice Department’s antitrust lawsuit against Google, alleging monopolistic practices in the online search and advertising market.

At the heart of this landmark case lies the partnership between Alphabet Inc. and Apple Inc., wherein Google pays a hefty sum to secure its position as the default search engine on Apple’s Safari browser. The newly unsealed court documents shed light on the significance of this deal, with Google’s payments constituting a substantial portion of Apple’s operating income.

For years, both Google and Apple sought to conceal the exact amount of these payments from public scrutiny. However, Apple’s senior vice president of services, Eddy Cue, inadvertently confirmed the figures in court documents filed ahead of the closing arguments. This revelation underscores the critical role of the Google-Apple partnership in shaping the digital landscape, particularly on the most widely used smartphone in the US.

The agreement between the tech giants dates back to 2002 when Apple initially adopted Google as the default search engine in Safari. Over time, the relationship evolved to include revenue-sharing arrangements, resulting in Google paying Apple over $1 billion per month for its coveted default status by May 2021.

Despite efforts by competitors like Microsoft Corp., which offered lucrative deals to sway Apple away from Google, the Google-Apple alliance remains unshaken. Microsoft’s attempts to promote its Bing search engine as an alternative were met with resistance, highlighting the unparalleled influence wielded by Apple in the tech industry.

As the antitrust case against Google unfolds, the revelation of these payments underscores the complex dynamics of competition and collaboration in the digital ecosystem. With closing arguments underway, the outcome of this case could have far-reaching implications for the future of online search and advertising.

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Revealing the TikTok Conundrum: American Perceptions of Chinese Influence in the Digital Age



Insights from a Reuters/Ipsos Poll Shed Light on the Geopolitical Dynamics of Social Media Platforms

A Reuters/Ipsos poll reveals that a majority of Americans view TikTok as a tool of Chinese influence. Delve into the implications of this perception on geopolitics, cybersecurity, and digital diplomacy, exploring its historical context and potential future impacts.

TikTok Faces Potential Ban in the US: Lessons from India’s Experience

In the digital landscape of the 21st century, social media platforms have emerged as powerful tools for communication, expression, and influence. However, the rise of platforms like TikTok has sparked debates surrounding their ownership, control, and geopolitical implications.

The Reuters/Ipsos poll provides valuable insights into American perceptions of TikTok, highlighting concerns about its ties to Chinese influence. This perception is rooted in historical tensions between the United States and China, exacerbated by issues of cybersecurity and data privacy.

At the heart of the TikTok conundrum lies the intersection of technology, politics, and national security. As governments grapple with the challenges posed by digital platforms owned by foreign entities, questions arise regarding data sovereignty, censorship, and information warfare.

From a geopolitical standpoint, the perceived influence of TikTok as a Chinese tool raises concerns about soft power projection and cultural diplomacy. As social media becomes increasingly intertwined with global affairs, the battle for influence in the digital sphere takes on new dimensions.

Moreover, the Reuters/Ipsos poll underscores the broader socioeconomic implications of Chinese-owned platforms like TikTok. As digital ecosystems reshape economies and societies, questions arise about economic competitiveness, innovation, and digital sovereignty.

Looking ahead, the perception of TikTok as a Chinese influence tool is likely to fuel ongoing debates about the regulation and oversight of social media platforms. It may also prompt governments to reassess their strategies for managing digital risks and protecting national interests in the digital age.

TikTok’s Digital Safety Training Empowers 116,000 Kenyans: A Viral Success Story

In navigating the complexities of the TikTok conundrum, policymakers, tech companies, and citizens alike must grapple with the multifaceted nature of digital influence and its implications for geopolitics, security, and society.

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Teens see social media algorithms as accurate reflections of themselves, study finds



Unveiling the Perception Paradox: How Teens View Social Media Algorithms as Reflecting Themselves

By Kasim Abdulkadir:

In the age of social media dominance, teenagers find themselves immersed in a digital landscape where algorithms dictate content consumption. A recent study has uncovered a fascinating phenomenon: adolescents perceive these algorithms as accurate reflections of their own identities. This perception, while intriguing, raises critical questions about the intersection of technology and self-perception among today’s youth.

The study, conducted by researchers from [Institution], aimed to explore teenagers’ beliefs about social media algorithms and their impact on self-perception. Through surveys and interviews, participants revealed a striking tendency to equate algorithm-generated content with their personal interests, preferences, and identity traits. This perception extended across various platforms, from Instagram and TikTok to YouTube and Snapchat.

At first glance, the notion of social media algorithms mirroring teenagers’ identities may seem intuitive. After all, these algorithms are designed to tailor content based on users’ past behavior, preferences, and interactions. However, the underlying implications of this belief are far more complex. By viewing algorithmic content as reflective of themselves, teenagers inadvertently grant these digital systems significant influence over their self-concept and worldview.

The study’s findings underscore the profound impact of social media algorithms on teenagers’ self-perception. By internalizing algorithm-generated content as accurate representations of themselves, adolescents may experience a distorted sense of identity and self-worth. Moreover, the reinforcement of certain interests or traits by algorithmic recommendations can contribute to the formation of echo chambers and filter bubbles, limiting exposure to diverse perspectives and fostering polarization.

Beyond shaping self-perception, teenagers’ belief in algorithmic accuracy also influences their digital behavior and mental health. The incessant pursuit of validation through likes, comments, and shares becomes heightened when algorithmic content aligns with perceived identity traits. This phenomenon may exacerbate feelings of social comparison, inadequacy, and anxiety, leading to negative outcomes for mental well-being.

As teenagers navigate the complexities of social media, it is essential to foster critical digital literacy skills and promote healthy online behaviors. Educators, parents, and policymakers play a crucial role in equipping adolescents with the tools to discern between algorithmic content and authentic self-expression. By fostering a culture of mindful consumption and digital well-being, we can empower teenagers to navigate the digital landscape with resilience and confidence.

In conclusion, the revelation that teenagers perceive social media algorithms as accurate reflections of themselves unveils a fascinating paradox in the digital age. While algorithms offer personalized content experiences, their influence on self-perception and mental health warrants careful consideration. By understanding the nuances of this perception paradox and advocating for responsible digital practices, we can strive to create a more balanced and empowering online environment for today’s youth.

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