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Chad’s Prime Minister Resigns Amid Controversial Election Results



Opposition Leader Succes Masra Steps Down Following Confirmation of Deby’s Election Win

In a dramatic turn of events, Chad’s Prime Minister and opposition leader Succes Masra has resigned following the contentious confirmation of interim President Mahamat Idriss Deby’s victory in the May 6 presidential election. Masra, who has been a vocal critic of the ruling junta that seized power in April 2021, announced his resignation on Wednesday, citing deep-seated electoral disputes and the need for political integrity.

Masra’s appointment as Prime Minister in January was initially seen as a conciliatory move by the transitional government to appease the opposition and ensure a smoother path to the polls. However, the disputed election outcome has reignited tensions within the nation’s political landscape.

Deby, who ascended to power after the death of his father, Idriss Deby Itno, in April 2021, has faced ongoing opposition and allegations of undemocratic practices. Masra, a staunch advocate for democratic reforms, has consistently challenged the legitimacy of Deby’s rule and the fairness of the election process.

The resignation of Masra raises significant concerns about Chad’s political stability and the future of its governance. Analysts predict that this development may lead to increased unrest and further complicate efforts to achieve a peaceful political transition.

Masra’s departure underscores the complexities of Chad’s political environment, where power struggles and calls for democratic change continue to shape the nation’s trajectory. As Chad navigates this turbulent period, the international community will be closely monitoring the situation, emphasizing the importance of transparent and fair political processes.


Historic Decision: US Presidents Who Chose Not to Seek Reelection



Analyzing the Rare Choices of American Leaders to Step Down Voluntarily

The announcement from President Joe Biden that he would not seek reelection in 2024 has added him to a rare list of American leaders who chose to step aside. This decision, made just weeks before the Democratic National Convention, comes amidst growing concerns over his age and performance. Let’s delve into the history of other presidents who made similar choices and the reasons behind their decisions.

James K. Polk, inaugurated in 1845, entered the presidency with a clear set of goals, such as the annexation of Texas and acquiring the Oregon Territory. Back then, pledging to serve only one term was seen as a mark of personal humility. Polk, having achieved his objectives, honored his commitment and did not run for reelection in 1848.

James Buchanan, elected in 1856, also pledged to serve only one term. By the end of his presidency, the nation was deeply divided over slavery, a situation Buchanan failed to manage effectively. His unpopularity and the fractured state of the Democratic Party likely influenced his decision not to run again in 1860.

Rutherford B. Hayes, after a controversial election in 1876, also pledged to serve a single term. Disputed electoral votes and claims of fraud marred his victory. True to his word, he did not seek reelection in 1880, partly due to the lingering legitimacy issues from his initial election.

Calvin Coolidge took office in 1923 after Warren G. Harding’s death and won the 1924 election. Despite his popularity and a booming economy, Coolidge declared in 1927, “I do not choose to run for president in 1928,” expressing his disinterest in power and desire to leave public life.

Harry S. Truman, having completed nearly two full terms, decided not to run for reelection in 1952. His presidency faced low approval ratings due to the Korean War and corruption scandals. Truman chose to step aside, giving the Democratic Party a chance to nominate a new candidate.

In 1968, amidst the Vietnam War and internal party challenges, Lyndon B. Johnson announced he would not seek reelection. Despite winning a full term in 1964 after John F. Kennedy’s assassination, Johnson’s declining approval and anti-war sentiment pushed him to withdraw from the race.

Joe Biden’s decision in 2024 mirrors these historical precedents. Initially positioning himself as a “transitional candidate,” Biden sought to address multiple national challenges. Running unopposed in Democratic primaries, he eventually bowed to concerns about his age and performance. By stepping aside and endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris, Biden joined a unique group of presidents who chose to forgo a second term.

While running for reelection has become the norm in modern politics, these historical instances show that stepping down can sometimes be seen as a responsible move, allowing new leadership to emerge. Presidents who opted not to run again often did so due to personal commitments, political challenges, or to pave the way for their party’s future success. Biden’s choice, though extraordinary in today’s context, aligns with a tradition of prioritizing the nation’s needs over personal ambition.

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Trump, Harris Trade Insults in Newly Energized US Presidential Campaign



Biden’s Withdrawal Sets Stage for High-Stakes Showdown Between Trump and Harris

The U.S. presidential race exploded with fresh energy on Tuesday, as former President Donald Trump and his new Democratic opponent, Vice President Kamala Harris, wasted no time launching barbs at each other. The gloves are off as they sprint toward the November election, making no attempt to hide their disdain.

Meanwhile, President Joe Biden quietly returned to the White House, having just recovered from COVID-19. He faces growing pressure to make significant foreign policy strides in his remaining time. Biden’s unexpected exit from the race, prompted by concerns about his health and dwindling poll numbers, has left the political scene in a frenzy.

Trump, never one to miss a beat, immediately took aim at Harris. “Lyin’ Kamala Harris destroys everything she touches!” he declared on his Truth Social platform. He accused her of covering up Biden’s health issues, claiming the Democrats misled the public and wasted Republican resources targeting Biden.

Harris, a seasoned prosecutor from California, didn’t hold back either. She knows how to handle Trump’s tactics and made that clear during a rally, implying she was ready for the fight. Her prosecutorial background and resilience are coming to the fore as she steps into the spotlight.

The stakes couldn’t be higher. Trump, recently convicted on 34 felony counts related to hush money paid to an adult film star in 2016, continues to rile his base. Despite these legal woes, his loyal supporters remain steadfast. Biden, wrapping up his term, has thrown his full support behind Harris, endorsing her in an emotional speech to her campaign staff. “I’m not going anywhere,” he promised, vowing to be active on the campaign trail with her.

Biden’s decision to step down makes him the first president since Lyndon Johnson in 1968 to withdraw from a reelection bid. His withdrawal initially sparked speculation of a heated contest among Democrats, but Harris quickly garnered overwhelming support. By Monday night, she had effectively secured the party’s nomination, with heavyweights like Nancy Pelosi and Hollywood’s George Clooney rallying behind her. Clooney, who had recently called for Biden to end his candidacy, shifted his formidable fundraising prowess to Harris’ campaign.

The momentum behind Harris is undeniable. Her campaign has already raised over $100 million since Biden’s announcement, a clear sign of her strong support base. As she considers potential running mates, names like Arizona Senator Mark Kelly and various governors are floating around, adding intrigue to the evolving race.

Trump, having secured the Republican nomination, is not slowing down. He’s set to kick off his campaign with a rally in Charlotte, North Carolina, a critical battleground state he won in 2020. The contrast between his fiery rhetoric and Harris’ focused determination sets the stage for a dramatic and contentious election season.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken praised Harris as a formidable force in American foreign policy, underscoring the importance of Biden’s remaining time in office to tackle global issues. Biden’s agenda includes addressing the Middle East conflict, countering Russia’s aggression in Ukraine, and strengthening alliances in the Indo-Pacific.

Analysts agree that despite Biden’s impending departure, significant work remains. “An eighth of his presidency is still left, and there continue to be real challenges,” said Navin Nayak of the Center for American Progress Action Fund. Biden is focused on critical issues without the distraction of a campaign, a dynamic that presents both challenges and opportunities for his administration.

Foreign leaders are navigating this transitional period with caution. Israel’s Prime Minister, preparing to meet with Biden, Harris, and Trump, represents the delicate balance international players must strike. University of Texas history professor Jeremi Suri highlighted the complexities foreign leaders face, knowing Biden’s tenure is nearing its end.

As the U.S. hurtles toward November, the political landscape is more electrified than ever. Trump and Harris are poised for a battle that promises to be as historic as it is contentious, with the future of the nation hanging in the balance. The race is on, and the world is watching.

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Netanyahu’s Critical DC Visit Amidst US Political Turmoil and Gaza War Escalation



Biden’s Withdrawal Adds Uncertainty to US-Israel Relations at a Pivotal Moment

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s arrival in Washington on Monday night coincided with a bombshell announcement from President Joe Biden: he’s stepping out of the 2024 presidential race. This unexpected turn of events injects a fresh dose of uncertainty into the already tense US-Israel relationship, particularly as the Gaza conflict rages on without a cease-fire in sight.

Netanyahu’s visit, announced back in June, raised eyebrows given the ongoing violence. But now, with American politics in flux, the Israeli leader’s mission is clear: lay the groundwork for strong ties with the next US administration, whoever leads it.

A senior US official confirmed that Biden and Netanyahu are slated to meet at the White House on Thursday. “I will seek to anchor the bipartisan support that is so important for Israel,” Netanyahu stated as he left Israel, underscoring his intent to maintain robust ties regardless of the upcoming presidential outcome.

Though Netanyahu publicly maintains a stance of neutrality between the likely candidates—Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump—insiders suggest his true preference is clear. Jonathan Rynhold, head of Political Studies at Israel’s Bar-Ilan University, notes, “Republicans generally align more with Israel’s security agenda and show greater leniency towards its right-wing policies.”

Trump’s administration set a high bar with its pro-Israel moves: the groundbreaking Abraham Accords, relocating the US Embassy to Jerusalem, and recognizing Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights. Netanyahu is reportedly eager to meet with Trump to quash rumors of tension following Netanyahu’s congratulations to Biden in 2020, which soured their relationship. Trump’s blunt warning to Israel to “get back to peace and stop killing people” hasn’t helped matters.

Meanwhile, Vice President Harris, set to meet Netanyahu separately from Biden, has emphasized her commitment to Israel’s security. Her Jewish connections—her husband, Doug Emhoff, is Jewish—have been instrumental in combating antisemitism. Yet, Harris will skip Netanyahu’s congressional speech, heading instead to Indianapolis to address a historically Black sorority, a move likely influenced by progressive and Muslim voters’ discontent over Gaza.

Despite Harris’ expected alignment with Biden’s Middle East policies, she may adopt a tougher rhetoric on Israeli settlements and show greater empathy towards Palestinian issues. Aaron David Miller of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace predicts her administration would remain “mainstream” in supporting US-Israel relations but with sharper critiques of certain Israeli actions.

Domestically, Netanyahu is navigating a critical period as the Israeli Knesset nears recess. He aims to advance his political agenda, potentially leveraging a cease-fire deal. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken hinted at a possible agreement, though analysts are skeptical it will last beyond an initial six-week pause.

In essence, Netanyahu’s DC visit is a high-stakes maneuver amid a rapidly changing political landscape. As he seeks to cement bipartisan support and prepare for potential shifts in US leadership, the outcomes of his discussions in Washington could have far-reaching implications for Israel and the broader Middle East.

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Potential Democratic Replacements for Joe Biden in the 2024 Presidential Race



Who’s likely to replace Joe Biden in the 2024 presidential race?
Biden’s withdrawal from the election has left an opening for a new Democrat to claim the party nod. Who will it be? It was the culmination of weeks of pressure, closed-door negotiations and public gaffes: President Joe Biden announced on Sunday that he would no longer be seeking the Democratic nomination for a second term in the White House.

But Biden’s decision has left the Democratic Party in an unprecedented position. Who will fill his shoes and face off against Republican nominee Donald Trump in November’s presidential race? Delegates for the party are scheduled to come together on August 19 for the Democratic National Convention, where they will cast their votes for Biden’s successor.

Here, WARYATV breaks down some of the most likely options, their strengths and weaknesses — and identifies former contenders who have now endorsed another candidate. Vice President Kamala Harris
Harris is Biden’s most likely heir, having served as his running mate and vice president for nearly four years.

On Sunday, Biden also formally endorsed Harris for the nomination.

But Harris has struggled to make an impact during her time at the White House. Her role, like that of many vice presidents, has been low profile, and she struggled with dismal approval ratings early in her tenure.

In 2021, for instance, a poll from USA Today and Suffolk University found that she only had 28 percent support rate- a figure that showed her ranking lower than previous vice presidents, like Dick Cheney.

But as Biden prepared to exit the race in 2024, Harris found her star rising. A poll last week from The Associated Press news agency and the NORC Center for Public Affairs Research found that 74 percent of Democrats found her performance “favourable”. The vice president also enjoys the support of several members of Congress, including Representative Jim Clyburn, a former Biden stalwart. “I’m going to be for Harris if Biden ain’t there,” he told USA Today earlier this month.

Originally from Oakland, California, Harris previously served as attorney general of the state and a US senator. Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer
Unlike Newsom, Whitmer represents a coveted swing state in this year’s presidential election: Michigan, part of the industrial Rust Belt region.

She too has campaigned for Biden and reaffirmed her support for the beleaguered president as pressures mounted for him to end his re-election campaign.

“I am an enthusiastic supporter of President Biden, and I’m going to work my tail off to make sure he gets a second term,” she told NPR in early July after Biden’s flop debate performance. Born and raised in the state capital of Lansing, Whitmer was elected to the state legislature multiple times and served on the Democratic National Committee before she entered the governor’s mansion.

A self-described progressive, she has also had high-profile public clashes with Trump, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Whitmer implemented a stay-at-home order at the start of the pandemic and issued restrictions on large-scale gatherings in her state. That prompted Trump, who opposed certain safety restrictions, to call her a “dictator” and denounce her on social media.

Later that same year, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) announced it had foiled a far-right attempt to kidnap Whitmer over her COVID-19 policies.

But Whitmer has rallied her state’s Democrats, helping to lead the party to a historic victory in 2022: Not only did Whitmer reclaim the governor’s mansion, but Democrats flipped both the state House and Senate. That gave the party a “trifecta” for the first time since 1984.

Nationally, Whitmer in recent days has returned to taking on Trump. Ahead of the former president’s rally on Saturday in Michigan with his VP pick JD Vance, Whitmer put out a cheeky video reminding Trump that the state had strong abortion rights and accusing him of reneging on promises made to autoworkers in Detroit. Illinois Governor JB Pritzker
Like many on the shortlist to replace Biden, Pritzker is not only a governor but also a prominent surrogate for Biden on the campaign trail, working to rally support.

While Pritzker’s home state of Illinois is a traditional Democratic stronghold, it is a key intersection for the Midwest, a region where agriculture and industry collide.

Illinois also is a stone’s throw away from key swing states like Wisconsin. Pritzker has tried to leverage his roots in the region to his – and Biden’s – advantage, pledging to build a “blue wall” across the Midwest.

“Here’s the thing that people from the coasts might not understand about Midwestern Democrats. We will be Midwest nice to you, while we Midwest beat you,” he said on the campaign trail, playing up his regional identity while slamming Trump. A lawyer with decades of political experience, Pritzker previously co-chaired Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign.

When he set his sights on the governor’s mansion in 2017, he invested more than $42m of his own wealth in his campaign: His family owns Hyatt Hotels and Resorts. He has since won two terms.

Pritzker is no stranger to taking on Trump, calling his far-right movement a “cancer” spreading throughout parts of the Republican Party. This month, he has made campaign stops in Indiana and Ohio, seeking to chip away at Trump’s base of support and rally Democrats.

Former contenders who have now backed Harris:
California Governor Gavin Newsom: After a few hours of silence that sparked speculation over his ambitions, the 56-year-old endorsed Harris on Sunday.

“With our democracy at stake and our future on the line, no one is better to prosecute the case against Donald Trump’s dark vision and guide our country in a healthier direction than America’s Vice President, Kamala Harris,” he said in an X post. While Newsom had been unwavering in his support of Biden previously, political observers noted that he appeared to be teeing up his own future presidential bid.

Last year, for instance, Newsom travelled overseas to meet Chinese President Xi Jinping. Then, as the Republican presidential primary race started to heat up, he appeared on Fox News to debate with one of the candidates, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.

The two-term leader of a solidly blue state, Newsom nevertheless faced a recall effort in 2021 that sought to yank him from California’s governor’s mansion. Proponents of the recall blasted Newsom for high taxes in the state and what they considered a lax attitude towards immigration. Still, Newsom handily defeated the effort, with more than 61 percent of voters rejecting the recall.

The California governor – and former mayor of San Francisco – nevertheless faces consistent criticism for his handling of the state’s homelessness crisis and widening inequality, as the cost of living rises.

Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro: In 2022, when Josh Shapiro first ran for the governor’s mansion in the Rust Belt state of Pennsylvania, he received more than three million votes – setting a state record. Even Biden only earned 2.8 million votes in Pennsylvania during the last presidential election, though it was still enough for him to carry the state. On Sunday, Shapiro set aside any presidential dreams he might have — for now — to offer a ringing endorsement of Harris.

“The contrast in this race could not be clearer and the road to victory in November runs right through Pennsylvania – where this collective work began,” he said on X. “I will do everything I can to help elect Kamala Harris as the 47th President of the United States.”

Pennsylvania is a crucial battleground for the Democrats: Like Michigan, it can tilt right or left. And Pennsylvania, the fifth largest state by population, has a whopping 19 Electoral College votes up for grabs.

Prior to winning the governorship, Shapiro served six years as the state’s attorney general, where he tackled gun violence and the opioid crisis, as well as government corruption.

Still, since taking office as governor, Shapiro has raised eyebrows – particularly among progressive Democrats – for denouncing pro-Palestinian student protesters on college campuses. With a nod to his Jewish faith, Shapiro told the publication Politico in April: “I do feel a somewhat unique responsibility to speak out when I see this level of anti-Semitism on our campuses and in our communities.”


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Secret Service Under Scrutiny After Trump Rally Shooting



Top Officials and Independent Panel to Investigate Security Failures at Trump Rally

In the aftermath of the shocking assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump at a Pennsylvania rally, the Secret Service finds itself under intense scrutiny. Lawmakers are set to question Secret Service Director Kim Cheatle about the agency’s handling of security during the event.

In a recent interview with ABC News, Cheatle addressed the chaotic moments leading up to the shooting. The suspected gunman, 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks, was reportedly seen by witnesses shortly before the attack began. Cheatle described the situation as unfolding very rapidly, making it difficult to respond effectively. “Seeking that person out, finding them, identifying them, and eventually neutralizing them took place in a very short period of time, and it makes it very difficult,” she said. Cheatle emphasized that local authorities were responsible for securing the building from which the shots were fired, while the Secret Service handled the inner perimeter.

To ensure a thorough examination of the events, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has appointed a bipartisan, independent panel to review the assassination attempt. This panel, composed of former high-level security officials, is tasked with conducting a 45-day review of the actions taken by the Secret Service and other authorities before, during, and after the rally. The panel includes former Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, former Homeland Security adviser Frances Townsend, former federal judge Mark Filip, and former Delaware Homeland Security Secretary David Mitchell. Additional experts may join as needed.

In their joint statement, the panel members expressed their commitment to identifying improvements to prevent such incidents in the future. “We formed this bipartisan group to quickly identify improvements the U.S. Secret Service can implement to enhance their work. We must all work together to ensure events like July 13 do not happen again,” they said.

Cheatle welcomed the panel’s review, stating, “I look forward to the panel examining what happened and providing recommendations to help ensure it will never happen again.” She added that the Secret Service is conducting its internal review and will cooperate fully with investigations by Congress, the FBI, and the Department of Homeland Security Office of Inspector General.

Cheatle is scheduled to testify before the House Oversight Committee, where she will face tough questions about the agency’s preparedness and response during the rally. This high-profile incident has raised serious concerns about the Secret Service’s capability to protect high-profile figures in volatile situations, prompting calls for significant reforms.

As the investigation progresses, the public and lawmakers alike will be watching closely to see how the Secret Service addresses the security lapses that allowed this unprecedented attack on a former president to occur. The findings of the independent panel and the subsequent actions taken by the Secret Service will be crucial in restoring confidence in the agency’s ability to safeguard America’s leaders.

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Editor's Pick

Kamala Harris Gains Momentum as Biden Withdraws from 2024 Presidential Race



A Surge of Democratic Support Elevates Harris to the Forefront of the Battle Against Trump

In a move that has sent shockwaves through the political landscape, President Joe Biden has announced his withdrawal from the 2024 reelection campaign, endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris to take his place against former President Donald Trump. This decision, made public via social media, instantly propelled Harris into the forefront of the Democratic Party’s efforts to retain the White House.

Biden, who has been grappling with declining poll numbers and health issues, chose to bow out while recuperating from a third bout with COVID-19 at his Rehoboth Beach vacation home. His endorsement of Harris marks a historic moment, as she could become the first Black woman and South Asian major party presidential nominee in U.S. history.

Harris, swiftly capitalizing on Biden’s support, declared her candidacy, promising to unite the Democratic Party and the nation to defeat Trump. “Together, we will fight. And together, we will win,” she asserted. Her statement echoed through a wave of endorsements from Democratic lawmakers, governors, and financial donors, signaling a unified front behind her campaign.

ActBlue, the leading Democratic fundraising platform, reported a staggering $46.7 million in small-dollar donations for Harris within hours of Biden’s announcement. This surge stands in stark contrast to the waning support Biden had been experiencing, especially after his lackluster performance in a late June debate against Trump.

Biden’s exit was met with a mix of commendations and controversy. Democratic officials praised his decision as a selfless act of service. “Biden is doing what he has done throughout his life of service: putting the American people and our country above everything else,” Harris noted. However, Trump wasted no time in attacking both Biden and Harris, declaring Biden unfit for office and asserting that Harris would be easier to defeat.

The Republican response was predictably aggressive. House Speaker Mike Johnson called for Biden’s immediate resignation, arguing that if Biden is unfit for another term, he is unfit to serve out his current one. Such a move would thrust Harris into the presidency, setting a dramatic stage for the November election.

As the Democratic Party rallies behind Harris, other potential contenders have emerged, including Governors Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan, Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania, J.B. Pritzker of Illinois, and Gavin Newsom of California. Despite this, early endorsements from influential figures like former Presidents Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton, and a surge in donations suggest Harris is the frontrunner.

The upcoming Democratic National Convention in Chicago presents a pivotal moment for the party. Delegates could either solidify Harris’s candidacy through a virtual vote or opt for an “open” convention, reminiscent of the tumultuous 1968 Democratic Convention. This scenario could introduce multiple candidates into the fray, potentially fracturing party unity at a crucial time.

As the nation watches this political drama unfold, Harris’s campaign gears up for an intense 107-day sprint to Election Day. Biden, whose term ends in January, has pledged to fulfill his presidential duties while supporting Harris’s bid. The White House has indicated that Biden will address the nation later this week to elaborate on his decision and the future of the Democratic Party.

In a race fraught with high stakes and historical significance, Kamala Harris stands at a crossroads, backed by a wave of support and facing the formidable challenge of uniting her party and the nation against a determined Trump. The path ahead is uncertain, but one thing is clear: the 2024 election is shaping up to be one of the most consequential in American history.

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Foreign leaders react to Biden dropping White House bid



World leaders reacted to U.S. President Joe Biden’s announcement on Sunday that he would end his 2024 reelection bid against former President Donald Trump and endorse Vice President Kamala Harris. Some described it as a statesman-like decision.

The State Department declined to comment on private diplomatic conversations between Secretary of State Antony Blinken and his counterparts regarding Biden’s decision. Blinken wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter, that he has worked for Biden for the past 22 years and will continue to build on U.S. leadership with Biden over the next six months.

Here are some reactions from around the world to Biden’s decision to withdraw from his reelection campaign for November:


Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese wrote on X, “Thank you for your leadership and ongoing service President Biden. The Australia-US Alliance has never been stronger with our shared commitment to democratic values, international security, economic prosperity and climate action for this and future generations.”


Britain’s Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer wrote on X that he respects Biden’s decision and looks forward to working together during the remainder of his presidency.

“I know that, as he has done throughout his remarkable career, he will have made his decision based on what he believes is best for the American people.”


Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau wrote on X, “I’ve known President Biden for years. He’s a great man, and everything he does is guided by his love for his country. As President, he is a partner to Canadians — and a true friend.

“To President Biden and the First Lady: thank you.”

Czech Republic

Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala said Biden has made “undoubtedly the decision of a statesman who has served his country for decades.”

In a post on X, Fiala wrote, “It is a responsible and personally difficult step, but it is all the more valuable. I am keeping my fingers crossed for the U.S. that a good president emerges from the democratic competition of two strong and equal candidates.”

Fiala had previously praised Biden for his leadership in support of Ukraine during an April meeting at the White House.


German Chancellor Olaf Scholz wrote on X and praised Biden as having “achieved a lot for his country, for Europe, for the world.”

“Thanks to him, transatlantic cooperation is close, NATO is strong, and the USA is a good and reliable partner for us. His decision not to run again deserves recognition.


In a statement on X, Irish Prime Minister Simon Harris commended Biden for his “global leadership.”

“Joe Biden, in all the offices he has held, has always been an unwavering voice and passionate advocate for peace on the island of Ireland, and our country owes him a great debt for this.”


Israeli President Isaac Herzog expressed his gratitude to Biden for his “steadfast support of the Israeli people” throughout his decades-long career.

“As the first US President to visit Israel in wartime, as a recipient of the Israeli Presidential Medal of Honor, and as a true ally of the Jewish people, he is a symbol of the unbreakable bond between our two peoples,” Herzog wrote on X.

New Zealand

New Zealand Prime Minister Christopher Luxon thanked President Biden for his steadfast dedication to fostering strong ties between the United States and New Zealand. Luxon wrote on X that he looks forward to collaborating with Biden throughout the remainder of Biden’s presidency.


Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk wrote on X that Biden has made difficult decisions many times that have made Poland, America, and the world safer, and strengthened democracy and freedom.

“I know you were driven by the same motivations when announcing your final decision. Probably the most difficult one in your life.”


The Kremlin said on Sunday that it is closely monitoring developments following Biden’s decision to end his reelection bid.

“The elections are still four months away, and that is a long period of time in which a lot can change. We need to be patient and carefully monitor what happens. The priority for us is the special military operation,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told a Russian news outlet. He was referring to the war in Ukraine.


Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez expressed his “admiration and recognition for the brave and dignified decision” made by Biden.

He wrote on X, “Thanks to his determination and leadership, the U.S. has overcome the economic crisis following the pandemic and the serious assault on the Capitol. The U.S. has also been exemplary in its support for Ukraine in the face of Putin’s Russian aggression. This is a great gesture from a great president who has consistently fought for democracy and freedom.”


Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy described Biden’s decision as a ‘tough but strong’ one.

In a long post on X, Zelenskyy wrote, “We will always be thankful for President Biden’s leadership. He supported our country during the most dramatic moment in history, assisted us in preventing Putin from occupying our country, and has continued to support us throughout this terrible war. The current situation in Ukraine and all of Europe is no less challenging, and we sincerely hope that America’s continued strong leadership will prevent Russian evil from succeeding or making its aggression pay off.”

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Editor's Pick

Biden Withdraws from 2024 Presidential Race: Age Concerns and Debate Performance Cited



Following a Poor Debate Performance, President Joe Biden Ends His Bid for Re-election, Shaking Up the Democratic Nomination Process

President Joe Biden has dropped out of the 2024 presidential race after a disastrous debate performance. This unprecedented move leaves the Democratic Party scrambling for a new nominee just months before the election.

President Joe Biden has announced his withdrawal from the 2024 presidential race following a calamitous debate with former President Donald Trump. The debate, held on June 27, amplified concerns about Biden’s age and cognitive abilities, leading to mounting pressure from within his party to step aside. This decision comes just four months before the election, marking an extraordinary turn of events in American political history.

Biden’s debate performance was marred by frequent lapses, nonsensical responses, and a failure to effectively counter Trump’s assertions. This performance exacerbated long-standing concerns about his fitness to serve another term. At 81, Biden has faced ongoing scrutiny regarding his age, with many voters expressing doubts about his capacity to endure the rigors of the presidency for another four years.

Biden’s withdrawal has created an urgent need for the Democratic Party to reorganize its nomination process. Vice President Kamala Harris, seen as the immediate frontrunner, has not yet received Biden’s explicit endorsement. This lack of endorsement suggests potential competition and further turmoil within the party as it prepares for its convention in Chicago from August 19-22.

In a letter posted on his X account, Biden stated, “It has been the greatest honor of my life to serve as your President. While it has been my intention to seek reelection, I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and to focus solely on fulfilling my duties as President for the remainder of my term.” The White House confirmed the authenticity of the letter, and Biden is expected to address the nation later this week to provide further details about his decision.

The announcement has sent shockwaves through both political parties. Democrats now face the challenge of quickly coalescing around a new candidate who can unify the party and present a viable challenge to Trump. On the Republican side, Trump must pivot to focusing on a new opponent after having tailored his campaign strategy to counter Biden.

Biden’s decision to step down so close to the election is unprecedented in modern American politics. The nearest parallel is President Lyndon Johnson’s decision in March 1968 not to seek re-election amidst the Vietnam War. However, Biden’s situation is distinct in its proximity to the election and the nature of the concerns—centered on his age and cognitive health—leading to his withdrawal.

With Biden’s exit, the Democratic Party faces the formidable task of managing a rapidly evolving nomination process. Harris, as the natural successor, must navigate potential challenges from other party members seeking the nomination. The upcoming Democratic National Convention will be a critical juncture for the party to demonstrate unity and resilience in the face of this unexpected development.

Biden’s departure underscores the complex interplay of age, health, and leadership in contemporary politics, highlighting the critical importance of voter confidence in a candidate’s ability to perform the duties of the presidency. As the election approaches, the focus now shifts to the new dynamics within the Democratic Party and the strategies employed by both parties in this consequential electoral cycle.

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