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Khatarta Milixda iyo ka hortageeda



Dadku waxay cusbada ama milixda isticmaali jireen ilaa iyo waagii ilbaxnimada si ay u habeeyaan, una hagaajiyaan cuntada.

Magaalada Rome ee qadiimiga ah, milixdu aad ayay muhiim ugu ahayd ganacsiga iyo in askarta loo siiyo mushahar ahaan.

Qiimaha milixdu waxa ay ahayd qayb ka mid ah ilaalinta cuntada.

Cusbadu waxay keeni kartaa dhiig karka waxayna ka qayb qaadan kartaa wadne xanuunka iyo faaligga ama istoroogga.

Waxa kale oo lala xiriiriyaa khatarta kororka ah ee uu ku yeelan karo kansarka caloosha iyo mindhicirka, lafo-jilicsanaanta iyo buurnaanta.

Cayilka iyo cusbada

Dhagaxaanta cusbada waxa ay ku xirantahay cawaaqibka caafimaad ee kale marka laga reebo cadaadiska dhiigga.

Cuntooyinka cusbadu ku badantahay ee saxarada ayaa si weyn ugu xiran ciladaha dheef-shiid, oo ay ku jiraan sonkorta dhiiga oo sareeya, cudurka dufanka beerka, iyo miisaanka oo kordha.

Dhab ahaantii, hal daraasad ayaa lagu qiyaasay in garaam kasta oo maalinle ah, ay jirto 15% khatarta kororka buurnaanta.

Daraasad cunto oo caadi ah oo ka soo baxday machadyada caafimaadka qaranka ee Maraykanka ayaa lagu ogaaday in dadka isticmaala cuntada aadka loogu habeeyay milixda muddo laba toddobaad ah ay cunaan ilaa 500 kaloori oo dheeraad ah oo miisaankoodu yahay 1 kiilo in ka badan marka loo eego kuwa cunay cuntooyinka caadiga ah.

Mid ka mid ah farqiga ugu weyn ee u dhexeeya labada cunto ayaa ahaa isticmaalka dheeraadka ah ee 1.2 garaam oo milix ah oo leh cuntooyinka aadka loo habeeyey ama la wershadeeyay.

Milixda iyo Sonkorta

Dheef-shiid kiimikaadka loo yaqaanno Microbiome waxay kicisaa sii deynta nooca dabiiciga ah ee daawooyinka miisaanka lumiya ee Wegovy iyo Ozempic, iyo hormoonka mindhicirka ee GLP-1.

Sharaxaad kale oo ku saabsan saamaynta milixdu ku leedahay cudurrada dheef-shiid kiimikaadka, oo leh caddaymo kala duwan ayaa jirta, waxaa ka mid ah nuugista sonkorta oo kororta, iyo sonkorta loo yaqaan ‘fructose’ oo u horseedi karta ururinta dufanka iyo hoos u dhaca iyo isticmaalka tamarta ee wax soo saarka.

Ummadaha Adduunka iyo la tacaalidda cusbada

Iyadoo waddamo badani ay fulinayaan hindisayaasha dhimista cusbada, waxaa jira dareen la dagaallanka cusbada in uu sii kordhayo ah.

Yaraynta milixda cuntada ee Maraykanka waxay ku sii socotaa dib u dhac, iyada oo waddamo badan oo Yurub ah ay bilaabeen inay arkaan faa’iidooyinka ay ka mid yihiin hoos u dhigista cadaadiska dhiigga iyo dhimashada yar ee cudurrada wadnaha iyada oo loo marayo dadaallo ay ka mid yihiin calaamadaynta cunnada ay cusbadu ku jiro ee lagu iibiyo dukaamada kuna jirta baakadaha, iyo dib u habeynta cuntada si loo xaddido milixda.

Isbarbardhigga xogta badeecadaha cuntada degdega ah ee u dhexeeya waddammada ayaa muujinaya kala duwanaansho la taaban karo.

Tusaale ahaan, rootiga digaaga ee McDonald waxaa cad in ay kujirto cusbo badan, gudaha Maraykanka iyo xitaa American Coca-Cola oo ay kujirto cusbo waxaa ku jira milix, walxo aan ka jirin wadamadaoo ay kujirto cusbo kale.

Warshadaha milixda ee Maraykanka ayaa door ka ciyaari kara arrintan.

Mid ka mid ah codadka muhiimka ah ee warshadaha milixda sanado badan, mac-hadka cusbada ee hadda gaboobay, ayaa laga yaabaa inuu jahawareeriyo fariimaha caafimaadka bulshada ee ku saabsan muhiimada dhimista milixda isagoo xoogga saaraya kiisaska aan caadiga ahayn ee xaddidaadda milixdu ay noqon karto khatar.

Cusbada iyo khatarteeda caafimaad

Laakiin waxaa jira caddayn sii kordheysa oo ku saabsan baahida loo qabo in la yareeyo milixda cuntada guud.

Sannadka 2021-kii, Waaxda Beeraha ee Maraykanku waxay soo saartay hagitaan cusub oo ku wajahan warshadaha oo ku baaqaya in si iskood ah loo dhimo milixda cuntooyinka ganacsi ahaan loo diyaariyey iyo kuwa warshadaysan.


Sideed ugu quudin kartaa mindhicirkaaga si fiican adoo qiimeynaya qaadashada milixdaada?

Ku bilow inaad xaddido isticmaalkaaga cuntooyinka aadka loo warshadeeyey: Hilibka cusbada leh sida cuntada degdega ah iyo hilibka la daweeyay.

Waqtigan xaadirka ah, ilaa 70% milixda ku jirta cuntada Mareykanka waxaa laga cunaa baakadaha iyo cuntooyinka la warshadeeyay.

Cuntooyinka khamiirka leh, oo ay inta badan ku badan tahay cusbada, waxay sidoo kale noqon kartaa doorasho caafimaad.

Ugu dambeyntii, tixgeli dheelitirka cusbada ee cuntadaada.


U.S. Adjusts Military Strategy in West Africa After Niger Coup



Withdrawal of U.S. Forces From Niger Shifts Counterterrorism Efforts to Neighboring Nations Amid Rising Extremist Threats.

The U.S. military’s withdrawal from Niger, following the country’s July 2023 coup, has forced a recalibration of American counterterrorism strategies across West Africa. Major General Kenneth Ekman, former AFRICOM director for West Africa, highlighted in a recent interview the strategic importance of Niger, the repercussions of losing this key partner, and how the U.S. is adapting to the growing extremist threat in the Sahel.

After the coup, the U.S. repositioned about 1,100 troops, drones, and other equipment across the region. While American forces no longer operate from Niger’s key bases, the U.S. is forging new partnerships in neighboring countries, such as Cote d’Ivoire, Benin, and Chad. Ekman emphasized the importance of these relationships, particularly as violent extremist organizations (VEOs) continue to spread through the region, threatening both local and global security.

Niger was the U.S.’s primary foothold in the Sahel, a region plagued by extremist violence, primarily from groups affiliated with ISIS and al-Qaeda. Ekman referred to the withdrawal as a “strategic setback” but highlighted that the U.S. remains committed to supporting regional security efforts.

With American forces now positioned in countries like Benin and Cote d’Ivoire, Ekman explained the shift from an “inside-out” strategy—where forces operated within Niger to counter VEOs in the surrounding Sahel region—to an “outside-in” approach. This new strategy involves deploying intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) assets and special forces teams in neighboring nations to monitor and respond to extremist activities.

Sanctions imposed on Niger’s military junta have further complicated any immediate return to the previous level of cooperation. Ekman noted that the future of U.S.-Niger relations depends largely on the junta’s actions and whether Niger seeks to rebuild its partnership with the U.S. However, the broader security situation in the Sahel is rapidly deteriorating, with extremist attacks becoming more lethal since the coup.

Ekman expressed concerns that losing Niger as a partner has hindered intelligence-sharing and collaboration, vital tools in combating VEOs in the region. Despite this, he remains cautiously optimistic that relationships with other West African nations will help fill the gap left by Niger.

The violent extremist threat in West Africa continues to evolve. The region is becoming increasingly opaque, with terrorist groups like Jama’at Nasr al-Islam wal Muslimin (JNIM) and ISIS elements both competing and collaborating. Ekman warned that the lack of access and ISR makes it more challenging to assess the groups’ intentions, especially regarding potential external operations.

As the U.S. and its partners adapt to these challenges, Ekman emphasized the need for continued intelligence-sharing and military cooperation to address the region’s rising security concerns. While the U.S. presence in Niger is significantly reduced, the repositioning of forces in West Africa underscores Washington’s ongoing commitment to countering extremism in one of the world’s most volatile regions.

The U.S. military’s strategy in West Africa is now focused on leveraging partnerships with countries like Chad, Benin, and Cote d’Ivoire, where ongoing negotiations aim to balance U.S. assistance with local security priorities. With the situation in Niger still in flux, Ekman underscored that keeping “all options on the table” will be essential for addressing both immediate and long-term threats posed by VEOs in the Sahel.

As violent extremist groups continue to exploit instability across West Africa, the U.S. faces the challenge of maintaining influence in a region critical to global security, even as it navigates the complex political realities left in the wake of the Niger coup.

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Three U.S. Citizens Sentenced to Death in Congo Over Failed Coup



Americans Among 37 Defendants Sentenced by Military Court for May Coup Attempt

Three U.S. citizens have been sentenced to death by a military court for their involvement in a failed coup attempt earlier this year. The verdict, which has drawn international attention, involves a total of 37 defendants.

The coup attempt occurred on May 19, when armed men briefly occupied an office of the presidency in Kinshasa. The leader of the group, Christian Malanga, a U.S.-based Congolese politician, was killed by security forces during the incident. His son, Marcel Malanga, along with his friend Tyler Thompson and business associate Benjamin Zalman-Polun, were among those sentenced.

The three Americans, who were found guilty of criminal conspiracy, terrorism, and other charges, were sentenced to death in a ruling that was broadcast live on television. Marcel Malanga, Tyler Thompson, and Benjamin Zalman-Polun were implicated in the failed coup attempt and are among a larger group of 50 defendants.

The trial, which began in July, concluded with the sentencing of 37 defendants. The proceedings took place in the yard of Ndolo military prison, with the defendants seated in front of the judge in prison-issued attire.

Marcel Malanga, who testified that his father had threatened him into participating in the coup, claimed that his involvement was coerced. This was his first visit to Congo in years, prompted by his father’s invitation. Tyler Thompson, a high school friend of Malanga, and Benjamin Zalman-Polun, a business associate of Christian Malanga, were also found guilty and sentenced.

In response to the verdict, U.S. State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller confirmed that embassy staff had attended the trial and would continue to monitor the situation. Miller noted that the legal process in the DRC allows for appeals, providing a potential avenue for the defendants to challenge the court’s decision.

The trial has sparked various reactions. Jean-Jacques Wondo, a Belgian-Congolese citizen sentenced alongside the Americans, had his family appeal directly to President Felix Tshisekedi for his release, asserting his innocence through video messages.

Marcel Malanga’s mother, Brittney Sawyer, and Tyler Thompson’s stepmother, Miranda Thompson, have both publicly maintained their loved ones’ innocence. Sawyer has described her son as innocent, while Thompson’s stepmother mentioned that Thompson had traveled to Congo for what he described as a vacation.

The sentencing of the three U.S. citizens marks a significant moment in the aftermath of the failed coup attempt in Congo. The case has attracted international scrutiny and highlighted ongoing concerns about the legal process and human rights within the DRC. As the defendants await potential appeals, the situation remains fluid, with ongoing attention from both diplomatic channels and human rights advocates.

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X Edits AI Chatbot After Election Officials Warn of Misinformation



Changes to Grok AI Chatbot Follow Warnings from Secretaries of State About Election Misinformation

The social media platform X has made modifications to its AI chatbot, Grok, in response to concerns from election officials about the spread of misinformation. Secretaries of state from Michigan, Minnesota, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, and Washington had alerted Elon Musk to inaccuracies in Grok’s responses regarding state ballot deadlines, particularly following President Joe Biden’s withdrawal from the 2024 presidential race.

In response to the officials’ letter, X has adjusted Grok’s behavior to address election-related queries more responsibly. The chatbot now advises users to consult official voting resources by directing them to for accurate and current information. This change aims to mitigate the spread of misinformation by guiding users to reliable sources, such as, recommended by the National Association of Secretaries of State.

Despite these adjustments, Grok’s ability to generate misleading AI-created images about elections remains a concern. Users have exploited the chatbot to produce and share fake images of political figures, including Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump. These images contribute to a broader issue of misinformation and manipulation on social media platforms.

Grok, available exclusively to X’s premium subscribers, was introduced as a more unconventional AI chatbot by Elon Musk. Musk described it as a system willing to tackle “spicy questions” that other AI platforms might avoid. Since Musk’s acquisition of Twitter in 2022 and its rebranding to X, there have been growing concerns about an increase in hate speech and misinformation, alongside a reduction in content moderation staff.

The incident highlights ongoing challenges in managing misinformation on social media. The evolution of AI technology, particularly in the realm of chatbots and image generation, has raised concerns about the accuracy and reliability of information circulated on these platforms. The updates to Grok are part of a broader effort to address these issues, but experts caution that such measures may not be sufficient given the scale and impact of misinformation.

As the 2024 elections approach, the pressure is mounting on social media platforms to ensure that their systems do not contribute to the spread of false information. The changes to Grok represent a step towards addressing these concerns, but the effectiveness of these measures in preventing the dissemination of misinformation remains to be seen.

X’s updates to its AI chatbot Grok in response to election officials’ warnings are an important development in the fight against misinformation. However, ongoing vigilance and improvements are necessary to address the broader challenges posed by AI and social media in the electoral landscape.

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Editor's Pick

Beauty in the Crossfire: Miss Somalia Pageant Amid Violence



Amid Explosions and Controversy, Somali Women Defy Odds in Groundbreaking Beauty Pageant

On a night when most of Somalia tuned in to the Euro football final, a very different kind of spectacle unfolded at Mogadishu’s Elite Hotel. Hundreds gathered to witness the Miss Somalia pageant, a daring celebration of beauty and resilience in one of the world’s most dangerous places to be a woman. Just a kilometer away, the grim reality of Somali life was underscored by a car bomb explosion that killed five and injured twenty. The militant group al-Shabab, notorious for its reign of terror over Somalia, claimed responsibility for the attack.

The juxtaposition of a beauty pageant with such violence highlights the schizophrenic nature of life in Somalia. While pageant contestants paraded in glamorous gowns, the nearby explosion shattered the night, a stark reminder of the pervasive threat of terrorism. This contrast paints a vivid picture of a nation grappling with its identity and future.

Hani Abdi Gas, founded the competition in 2021. In a country where Islamist militants and conservative traditions dominate, her initiative is nothing short of revolutionary. Gas, who grew up in the Dadaab refugee camp in Kenya before returning to Somalia in 2020, sees the pageant as more than a beauty contest. It’s a platform for lifting women’s voices, fostering unity, and empowering Somali women.

Gas believes that Somalia, long deemed one of the worst places to be a woman, is ready to join the rest of the world in celebrating female beauty and aspiration. “I want to celebrate the aspirations of women from diverse backgrounds, build their confidence, and give them a chance to showcase Somali culture worldwide,” she said.

This year’s contestants reflected this diversity. Among them was a policewoman, a powerful symbol of women breaking barriers in a traditionally male-dominated society. However, not everyone was pleased. Many Somalis view beauty pageants as affronts to their culture and religion. Clan leader Ahmed Abdi Halane expressed disgust, saying, “Such things are against our culture and our religion. If a girl wears tight clothes and appears on stage, it will bring shame upon her family and her clan. Women are supposed to stay at home and wear modest clothes.”

Some women also oppose the pageant. Sabrina, a student, criticized the contestants for appearing in public without covering their necks, saying, “It is good to support the Somali youth but not in ways that conflict with our religion.”

Despite these criticisms, the pageant proceeded with its vibrant display of Somali culture. Aisha Ikow, a 24-year-old university student and make-up artist, was crowned Miss Somalia, taking home a $1,000 prize. Ikow, representing South-West state, vowed to use her platform to combat early marriage and promote girls’ education. “The competition celebrates Somali culture and beauty while shaping a brighter future for women,” she said.

The judging panel, which included Miss Somalia 2022 and a representative from the Ministry of Youth, found it hard to choose a winner. They assessed contestants on physical beauty, public speaking, and stage presence. An online vote, costing $1 per vote, funded the event and future international pageant participation.

The glitzy event in a luxury hotel contrasted sharply with the harsh realities faced by most Somali women. Four million Somalis, a quarter of the population, are internally displaced, with up to 80% being women. The UN ranks Somalia near the bottom on the Gender Inequality Index, with alarming rates of gender-based violence and female genital mutilation. Traditional practices still dictate that a rapist must marry his victim, and legal protections for women are severely lacking.

Despite these challenges, the Miss Somalia pageant signifies a slow but significant change. The fact that such an event could be held in Mogadishu, even amid nearby violence, indicates a shift in societal attitudes and an improvement in security.

The crowd at the Elite Hotel stayed until the early hours, undeterred by the attack’s proximity. They were engrossed in the pageant, the sound of the explosion drowned out by the waves crashing on the nearby beach.

In a nation torn by conflict and conservative values, the Miss Somalia pageant stands as a beacon of hope. It is a testament to the resilience of Somali women and their determination to carve out spaces of empowerment and celebration. As Somalia continues to navigate its complex identity, events like these are crucial in shaping a more inclusive and progressive future.

Kiin Hassan Fakat, reporting with Bilan Media, and Mary Harper, author of two books on Somalia, provide a lens into this transformative moment, capturing the courage and aspirations of Somali women amidst a backdrop of turmoil.

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Tragic Encounter: Spanish Tourist Killed by Elephants in South Africa



A Spanish tourist was fatally trampled by elephants at South Africa’s Pilanesberg National Park after leaving his vehicle to take photos. The incident underscores the critical importance of heeding safety guidelines in wildlife reserves.

In a heartbreaking incident, a Spanish tourist was killed by a herd of elephants in South Africa’s Pilanesberg National Park after leaving his vehicle to take photos. The 43-year-old man, identified as Carlos Luna from Zaragoza, Spain, was with his fiancée and two other women when he decided to approach a group of elephants, including calves, for close-up photos. Ignoring warnings from his companions and other onlookers, Luna was charged by an adult female elephant. Though he attempted to flee, he was ultimately trampled to death by the herd.

Pilanesberg Game Reserve, a popular destination and South Africa’s fourth-largest park, is home to over 7,000 animals. Authorities emphasized the importance of respecting safety protocols and maintaining a safe distance from wildlife. The North West tourism board expressed sorrow over the incident and urged visitors to only exit vehicles in designated areas.

Elephant attacks, while tragic, are not uncommon in the region. Similar incidents have occurred, highlighting the inherent dangers of close wildlife encounters. In 2019, a suspected poacher was killed by an elephant in Kruger National Park, and in the same year, a security guard met a similar fate in Limpopo province. More recently, an elderly American tourist was killed in Zambia’s largest national park.

Efforts are underway to repatriate Luna’s body. This tragic event serves as a stark reminder of the risks involved in wildlife tourism and the necessity of adhering to safety guidelines to prevent such avoidable fatalities.

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Biden Announces Additional Air Defense Systems for Ukraine Amidst NATO Summit



NATO Marks 75th Anniversary with New Commitments to Ukraine’s Defense

In a significant show of support, President Joe Biden has announced that Ukraine will receive five more air defense systems, including three Patriot batteries from the United States, Germany, and Romania. This announcement was made during NATO’s 75th-anniversary summit in Washington, D.C., where allies gathered to reaffirm their commitment to Ukraine’s defense against Russia’s ongoing invasion.

The summit, held at the historic Mellon Auditorium, emphasized the alliance’s unwavering support for Ukraine. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy had previously indicated the need for at least seven advanced air defense systems to counter Russian air strikes effectively. With contributions from the Netherlands, Italy, and other NATO partners, Ukraine is set to bolster its air defense capabilities significantly.

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg highlighted the importance of continued support for Ukraine, stating, “The reality is there are no cost-free options with an aggressive Russia as a neighbor.” He emphasized that the greatest risk would be allowing Russia to win in Ukraine.

This announcement follows the U.S. Congress’s approval of new aid for Ukraine, which includes hundreds of millions of dollars in equipment and billions in long-term defense funding. The latest package provides interceptors for NASAMS and Patriot air defense systems, as well as long-range ATACMS missiles, nearly doubling Ukraine’s missile striking range to 300 kilometers (about 185 miles).

The NATO allies are working closely with Kyiv to ensure these systems are delivered promptly, with further announcements on strategic air defense expected later this year.

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Protests in Israel Mark 9 Months of War with Hamas



As Israel’s conflict with Hamas militants reached its nine-month milestone on Sunday, widespread protests erupted across the country, with demonstrators calling for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to resign and advocating for a cease-fire.

On October 7 last year, Hamas militants launched an attack on Israel, killing 1,200 people and capturing around 250 hostages. This prompted Israel to launch a ground and air counteroffensive in Gaza, resulting in over 38,000 Palestinian deaths, according to the Hamas-run health ministry. Israel estimates that Hamas still holds 116 hostages, including 42 believed to be dead.

Sunday’s protests, labeled as a “Day of Disruption,” began at 6:29 a.m. local time, coinciding with the time of the initial Hamas rocket attacks. Protesters blocked major roads and demonstrated outside the homes of Israeli parliament members. Near the Gaza border, demonstrators released 1,500 black and yellow balloons to symbolize those killed and abducted.

Hannah Golan, one of the protest organizers, expressed frustration over the government’s handling of the situation, stating, “It’s nine months today, to this black day, and still, nobody in our government takes responsibility.” Netanyahu has maintained that discussions on the security failures should wait until after the fighting ends.

Amid ongoing hostilities, at least nine Palestinians were killed in Israeli strikes, including Ehab Al-Ghussein, the Hamas-appointed deputy minister of labor, in an airstrike on a school in Gaza City. The Israeli military is investigating the incident.

Despite the continued violence, there are indications of possible progress towards a cease-fire. Hamas has reportedly dropped its demand for a complete end to the war as a condition for a cease-fire. Negotiations mediated by Qatar and Egypt are ongoing, with Hamas waiting for Israel’s response to a proposed three-phase cease-fire plan introduced by U.S. President Joe Biden in late May.

The plan includes a six-week cease-fire, during which older, sick, and female hostages would be released in exchange for Palestinian prisoners. Israeli forces would withdraw from densely populated areas of Gaza, allowing displaced people to return to their homes.

U.S. Central Intelligence Agency Director William Burns is scheduled to travel to Qatar for further negotiations. Meanwhile, Netanyahu has stated that discussions will continue this week, but he has not provided a detailed timeline.

In northern Israel, the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah launched projectiles towards Israeli towns, leading to the serious injury of an Israeli man. This follows an Israeli airstrike that killed an engineer in Hezbollah’s air defense unit. The ongoing clashes between Hezbollah and Israeli forces have heightened concerns of a potential regional war.

As protests and hostilities continue, the hope for a cease-fire and the release of hostages remains a focal point for many Israelis. The situation remains tense, with significant implications for regional stability and international diplomacy.

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Urgent Call for Legislation to Protect the Honor of Somaliland’s Founding Fathers



Open Letter to the Somaliland Parliament

Dear Honorable Members of the Somaliland Parliament,

I write to you today with a matter of utmost importance that affects the very fabric of our nation. The sacrifices and contributions of the Somaliland National Movement (SNM) mujahedeen, who fought bravely for the freedom and security we enjoy today, must be honored and protected by our laws. Among these heroic individuals, the current President of Somaliland, Muse Bihi Abdi, and the Minister of Interior, Mohamed Kahin Ahmed, stand as the foremost founding fathers of our nation.

Lately, there has been a disturbing trend of young individuals, claiming to be politicians, disrespecting and insulting these esteemed figures. Such actions not only tarnish the legacy of our freedom fighters but also threaten the unity and stability of Somaliland.

I urge you, the esteemed members of the Somaliland Parliament, to take swift and decisive action by enacting a law that criminalizes any form of insult or defamation against the SNM mujahedeen. This law should mandate strict penalties for those who dare to dishonor the heroes who sacrificed so much for our nation’s independence.

The freedom and security we cherish in Somaliland today were hard-earned through the blood, sweat, and tears of these brave individuals. It is our collective duty to ensure that their legacy is preserved and respected. By implementing this law, we will send a clear message that Somaliland values and honors its founding fathers and will not tolerate any attempts to undermine their contributions.

Failure to enact such legislation may result in unrest, as the descendants of these heroic figures may feel compelled to defend their honor through unlawful means. It is our responsibility to prevent such outcomes by providing a legal framework that upholds justice and respect for those who have given us the gift of freedom.

I implore you to act swiftly and decisively. Protect the honor of our founding fathers and ensure that their legacy remains untarnished for generations to come. The future of Somaliland depends on the actions we take today to safeguard our past.

Thank you for your attention to this critical matter.



Political Warfare: The Waddani Party’s Systematic Demonization of President Muse Bihi

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